The Mark Series, Part 4: Such Authority!

V LeJesus Christ16 Comments

Do you ever struggle with confidence? I know I do at times, and I’m sure you do, as well. We all have moments where we doubt what we’re going to do in the future, feel insecure about how we’re perceived by others, or allow worry and anxiety to take control of our lives when it seems that our world is spinning out of control.

If you skim through the book of Mark, you’ll have a fairly accurate idea of Jesus’ personality: concise, witty, humble, wise, and calm. But if you’re paying close attention, you’ll likely notice the calmly authoritative manner in which the Lord carries himself. His rebukes are direct and flawlessly delivered (e.g. Mark 2:27-28). His orders are strict and non-negotiable (e.g. the frequent commands to silence). His teachings are clear and spiritually sound (e.g. 3:28-29). Every miracle he performs inspires awe (e.g. 4:41). And his sense of timing – knowing when something will happen, knowing when to go and leave somewhere, knowing when to speak and remain silent – is impeccable.

This quiet authority permeates the entire Gospel of Mark, so much so that Mark makes note of it in the opening chapter: “And they [the people of Capernaum] were amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him’” (1:27).

Far from the image perpetrated in popular culture of a confused Jesus struggling with his identity (e.g. “The Last Temptation of Christ”, among other works), the Jesus in the book of Mark has no questions about his authority. After working as a carpenter for a few decades, he leaves home and knows the precise moment at which to begin his ministry. At this point, he proclaims, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel” (1:15).

He chooses his disciples without hesitation (Mark 1:16-20, 2:13-14, 3:13-19). On three separate occasions, he confidently predicts his arrest, torture, death, and resurrection (8:31, 9:30-31, 10:33-34). He has complete control over his schedule (3:13), correctly exposits the Law of Moses and vehemently criticizes rabbinic oral tradition (2:23-28, 7:1-23, 8:14-21, 10:2-12), makes it clear that he knows that he is the Messiah (8:27-30), and does not fear sending out his disciples to work miracles (6:7-12). His speech radiates with power (e.g. he uniquely prefaces all statements with “Truly, I say to you…”), and he very quickly confronts any external challenges to his authority (11:27-33). Without ever usurping power, he orchestrates events and words to accomplish his purposes. Even the demons recognize his sovereignty and are terrified of it (5:7).

This display of divine exousia (“authority” in Greek) is certainly impressive, but I’m sure some of you reading may be tempted to think, “How does this apply to me? After all, I’m just an ordinary person, not the Son of God! What authority do I have to carry myself with?

I would argue that if we are to strive to be like Jesus in every way (Philippians 3:10-11), we ought to mirror his authority, as well. Are we divine? Of course not, and we should never pretend to be. But can we firmly speak truth and conduct ourselves in a way that wins the respect of others? Certainly.

This is not putting on an act. It involves living with confidence that you are doing the right thing. And where does this kind of confidence come from? One need only look at Jesus’ life and ministry to see.

Jesus didn’t just start his ministry cavalierly. He spent his entire life learning the Scriptures and growing in favor with God and man (Luke 2:39-52). Before beginning his ministry, he fasted in the wilderness for forty days and endured temptation from Satan (Mark 1:14). He spent all night praying on a mountain before selecting his disciples (Luke 6:12). And before his death, he was in communion with his Father (Mark 14:32-42). Indeed, Jesus had confidence because he knew the will of God.

And knowing the will of God, he followed it. He did not sit around dreaming idealistically. Rather, he worked, walked, taught, healed, and prayed, sometimes to the point of exhaustion (Mark 4:38). He wasted no time in striving to accomplish his divinely-ordained mission.

How often do we spend time seeking the will of God in prayer and reading of the Bible? Are we making sure to pursue his desires every day, or are we only praying when our lives are filled with turmoil? And are we aware of what he wants but too lazy or comfortable to rise up in faith and accomplish it?

Beloved friends, if we know the will of God and live it out faithfully, we will radiate true authority far surpassing mere imitations of worldly power. And through this, we will become more like our Savior while carrying out his Great Commission on the Earth.

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Henry Karasch
6 years ago

This week Pastor Andrew was preaching on the prayer life of Jesus. And in your article, we think about the steadfast authority exercised by our Lord. But as you pointed out, they are joined. Jesus went through the hard work of praying and fasting in preparation for His ministry, and we see Him constantly devoting himself to prayer as He wields His authority. Jesus the Eternal Second Person of the Godhead takes time to pray before his days. And I struggle to take any real time in prayer. If anyone didn’t need to pray it was Jesus. But I exercise… Read more »

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Henry Karasch

Thank you for these profound thoughts, Mr. Karasch. If Jesus, the Son of God, prayed more than anyone recorded in Scripture, then we ought to strive to do the same. Indeed, this level of continual dependence on God is the only way we can exercise our true authority in Christ. I struggle with it every day, but it is a necessity. Responding to the disciples’ failure to drive out demons, Jesus says, “This kind [of demon] cannot be driven out by anything but prayer” (Mark 9:29). In Matthew 17, he tells them that, “if you have faith like a grain… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks Vinh for a great article. I always thank God for giving you the gift of writing. Please remember to use it for His glory.

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Mom

Thanks, Mom! I sure will!

Luisa Mckinlay
6 years ago

Thank you for your ministry. Inspiring ! God bless you.

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Luisa Mckinlay

Thank you, Ms. Mckinlay! I am grateful for the support, and we as a team covet your prayers as we work to spread the gospel message through Against Doubt.

Eric Velez
6 years ago

Thank You for the encouraging words! I too struggled with faith, salvation and confidence when I was younger, I have overcome some of those issues through prayer and study, study ,study the word of God!We must ask God to give us understanding just like Solomon did when he was young.Nothing that is worth attaining in life comes easy and this includes growing in faith through study of the word of God.
Thank You! I will be sharing this with my Kids!

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Eric Velez

Thank you, Mr. Velez! I appreciate your thoughts. and you are absolutely correct when you say that striving towards Christlikeness is not easy. But it is worth it, and what’s more, we as Christians are called to fight for it. God bless!

Gregory Gortmaker
6 years ago

Just what is needed. Every day we see and hear reports of weak and corrupt leadership. Not so with Jesus Christ. If we are Christains (“little Christs”), that authority is ours also! Thanks for the article, Vinh.

Vinh Le
6 years ago

Always good to hear from you, Mr. Gortmaker! And amen — we ought to exercise the authority that we can have in Christ as we speak truth and continue the good fight.

Daniel Jessen
6 years ago

Great article, Vinh. Thanks for the encouragement to pursue the mirroring of Christ’s authority by the reading of His word and careful prayer. Keep up the good fight up in Southern PA. I hope to reinforce you soon!

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Jessen

Thanks, Dan! I appreciate your encouragement. I pray we can continue the fight for truth together!

Josh Singer
6 years ago

Amen, brother!

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Josh Singer

Praise God!

6 years ago

Powerful, necessary, and concise. Thank you so much!!

Vinh Le
6 years ago
Reply to  Nate

Thank you, Nate! Praise God!