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Gregory Gortmaker
7 years ago

Vin- The astrologers in the Biblical account adhered to a different method of interpreting the night sky compared to the astrology in the daily paper. The astrology most people are familiar with had it’s roots in Babylon and spread to Persia. The astronomer/astrologers in the scripture divided the sky into regions, each of which represented a part of the known world. Therefore, when they saw the “star”, or in this case a confluence of planets or possibly a comet, it occurred in the part of the sky that was assigned to Israel. Oddly enough, this brand of astrology may have… Read more »

Vinh Le
7 years ago

Hi, Mr. Gortmaker! Good to hear from you, and you’re right on both counts! In future articles, we may discuss the impact that Israelites like Daniel had on Babylonian wisdom and methods. It’s also believed that the magi, or wise men, existed back in Daniel’s time, as well. As for the date of Jesus’ birth, you correctly employed the same hermeneutics that led to our conclusion that Mary and Joseph may have been in Bethlehem well before Jesus was born. And we agree that an Advent date near the end of September would be highly significant.